We are a team of leading debt review consultants with extensive experience in debt counselling, assisting consumers throughout South-Africa who are having difficulty with their monthly debt repayments.
Our team consists of qualified and registered debt counsellors including experienced attorneys, to ensure that your assets are protected under debt review at the same time avoiding any chance of repossession.
We negotiate directly with your credit providers to reduce your monthly debt repayments until all your unsecured debts are settled.
Our dedicated professional consultants are always available to assist you with any queries and we have a reputation for providing exceptional service.
We offer debt counselling services with the aim of providing clients much needed financial relief.
You can take it for granted that S.A. Debt Specialist will provide you with the lowest rate and all protection possible.
At S.A. Debt Specialist our main and only mission is to provide our clients with the best service and lowest possible rates to ensure that debt counselling affords them all the possible protection and relief provided by legislation.
We want our clients to rest assure that their assets will be protected at all times and that they will have money available to endure the financial hard times. The client always comes first!
Our long term vision is to see to it that every hard working South-African gets the relief they deserve. This vision begins with you.